About Us

The 9th Reigate Scout Group is part of The Scout Association and together we are the UK’s biggest mixed youth organisation offering fun, everyday adventure & Skills For Life to young people.

The main goal is to help young people achieve their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals, as responsible citizens and as Members of their local, national and international communities.

Based in Lower Kingswood. We offer fun, challenge and life-changing adventure, preparing and giving young people #skillsforlife and unique experiences. We believe young people deserve the character, employability and practical skills to succeed and so encourage them to do more, learn more and be more.

We have two sections in the Group:

We have good links to Scout (10 ½ -14) and Explorer (ages 14-18) groups nearby in Reigate & Redhill and the oldest scouting section; Network (ages 18-25) is offered in Reigate.

Visit scouts.org.uk to find out more about what Scouts is and what we do

The Scout Association Mission – We (Scouting) exist to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society. We are guided by a set of values and our ‘scout method’.